To solve complex problems of elastic and structural analysis you have to lean on who has skills and expertise.

This calculation method allows you to test in a scientific way stressing under which your product will operate and will be subjected to.

Safety must be a priority, it is not desirable to experiment any unproven approach.

If you are a professional player, you know you can’t rely on chance: you must consider all potential consequences there might be.


To solve complex problems of elastic and structural analysis you have to lean on who has skills and expertise.

This calculation method allows you to test in a scientific way stressing under which your product will operate and will be subjected to.

Safety must be a priority, it is not desirable to experiment any unproven approach.

If you are a professional player, you know you can’t rely on chance: you must consider all potential consequences there might be.


FEM structural analysis (Finished Elements Method) allows us to test how a system acts while being subjected to external condition of stress such as constraints and loads.

This analysis process embraces 3 different moments:

  • Pre-analysis process: thanks to the knowledge of our Engineers, we are able to switch a real physical situation into a mathematics model.

  • The analysis process: it consists in effectively solving the problem.

  • Post-analysis phase: we elaborate and provide the solution.

In every match you play, you take some risks but all that matters is to know in advance your way around.


FEM structural analysis (Finished Elements Method) allows us to test how a system acts while being subjected to external condition of stress such as constraints and loads.

This analysis process embraces 3 different moments:

  • Pre-analysis process: thanks to the knowledge of our Engineers, we are able to switch a real physical situation into a mathematics model.

  • The analysis process: it consists in effectively solving the problem.

  • Post-analysis phase: we elaborate and provide the solution.

In every match you play, you take some risks but all that matters is to know in advance your way around.


  • Our staff has the expertise to assess situation and to solve a wide variety of engineering problems (relating to solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat mechanics etc.)

  • Our engineers are at your disposal to empower your designing office to study complex physical aspects, while scanning your system process or product performance even in presence of extreme events (such as seismic activity).

  • Our way of operating grant us to detect critical points or weakness, bad or good mass distribution, critical stress or strain state, potential break point and more importantly allows us to improve the use of materials.

  • Our primary purpose is to preserve people’s safety as well as products.

  • Our secondary goal is to help you find less impacting solution for what concerns the use and consumption of materials used (in accordance with the respect of the circular economy policy we believe in).

Being conscious is the only successful strategy!


  • Our staff has the expertise to assess situation and to solve a wide variety of engineering problems (relating to solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat mechanics etc.)

  • Our engineers are at your disposal to empower your designing office to study complex physical aspects, while scanning your system process or product performance even in presence of extreme events (such as seismic activity).

  • Our way of operating grant us to detect critical points or weakness, bad or good mass distribution, critical stress or strain state, potential break point and more importantly allows us to improve the use of materials.

  • Our primary purpose is to preserve people’s safety as well as products.

  • Our secondary goal is to help you find less impacting solution for what concerns the use and consumption of materials used (in accordance with the respect of the circular economy policy we believe in).

Being conscious is the only successful strategy!

If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to contact us

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