Quality Policy
Our quality policy focuses on fulfill our customer needs pursuing his satisfaction, trust, retention and on full compliance while respecting binding laws. It considers the inner and outer background where our company operates, following the evolution and drawing cues for the definition of goals and risks concerning the execution of process.
Company organization must focus on pursuing and maintaining specific goals, which, as a whole, must determine the achievement of the overall quality strategy.
it has to be considered as a fundamental element to guide Power Engineering srl to improve its performance.
Quality policy refers specifically to corporate aspects which are needed to ensure success, that is:
- All corporate processes for which the types and levels of future improvement must be defined, detecting the risk, opportunities and the most appropriate indicators for their management;
- customer and all stakeholders satisfaction, defining the level of expectation and actions to be undertaken for its achievement;
- company staff, that experimenting the feeling of being part of team aiming to the achievement of business success, finds the right atmosphere and inspiration for its enhancement, safety and gratification;
- expectation of the owner in relation to the achievement of the wished return level compared to the resources involved;
- suppliers and commercial partners in order to reach high level of contributions and cooperation for a common growth;
- Resources management (whether they are financial-, infrastructure-, human- or natural resources) in order to grant an efficient and ongoing support for the growth and success of the company.
Our DG chose compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard and continuous improvement resulting from its application as a management tool to achieve business goals.
Our DG is primarily responsible for achieving business goals, putting in place the Quality Management and verifying its adequacy; he will draw up regular reports on the Quality management status and on the effectiveness; he will define new objectives for the incoming period and related risk assessment.
Company organization must focus on pursuing and maintaining specific goals, which, as a whole, must determine the achievement of the overall quality strategy and it has to be considered as a fundamental element to guide Power Engineering srl to improve its performance.