
Because leaning on a design company to get a new plant projected means to benefit from experience and expertise.

Because investing in technology means increasing production optimising revenues and costs.

Because planning cannot be enough, coordinating inner and external departments is fundamental to achieve outcome: choose who offers the same expertise, save time and give you competitive advantage.

Let Improvisation to amateurs: if you want to win, it’s best you join up with someone who knows the rules.


Because leaning on a design company to get a new plant projected means to benefit from experience and expertise.

Because investing in technology means increasing production optimising revenues and costs.

Because planning cannot be enough, coordinating inner and external departments is fundamental to achieve outcome: choose who offers the same expertise, save time and give you competitive advantage.

Let Improvisation to amateurs: if you want to win, it’s best you join up with someone who knows the rules.

what’s plant design about?

Plant design is the core of our business. Poweren delivers to customers a full palette of services: from management of operational matters, to simulation of the whole machinery life cycle (planning, building, maintenance etc.) thanks to the creation of a smart 3D template.

This kind of modus operandi ensures to monitor each step maintaining awareness of the desired final outcome and the chance to consider alternatives ways.

Realizing a plant follows a specific and proven process.

1.Planning: a status quo must be analysed combining real data and hypotheses of data to establish a starter template.

2.Designing: this is the most challenging phase when ideas take shape and each detail is perfected. All professionals, from in-house technical designer to external consultants, are requested to get involved to solve any concern.

3.Building: implementation of project procedures, sharing information with professionals and contractors to ensure compliance with requirements in order to achieve the outcome.

4. operational management and maintenance of assets: our model fits all steps from the beginning to all possible future adjustments. Project analysis can also be used in a later stage, for example for an adjustment post construction, a plant revamping or expansion, maintenance or efficient dismantling (if required as per principles of circular economy).

Match is just the final step of long training rich in play patterns.

what’s plant design about?

Plant design is the core of our business. Poweren delivers to customers a full palette of services: from management of operational matters, to simulation of the whole machinery life cycle (planning, building, maintenance etc.) thanks to the creation of a smart 3D template.

This kind of modus operandi ensures to monitor each step maintaining awareness of the desired final outcome and the chance to consider alternatives ways.

Realizing a plant follows a specific and proven process.

1. Planning: a status quo must be analysed combining real data and hypotheses of data to establish a starter template.

2. Designing: this is the most challenging phase when ideas take shape and each detail is perfected. All professionals, from in-house technical designer to external consultants, are requested to get involved to solve any concern.

3. Building: implementation of project procedures, sharing information with professionals and contractors to ensure compliance with requirements in order to achieve the outcome.

4. Operational management and maintenance of assets: our model fits all steps from the beginning to all possible future adjustments. Project analysis can also be used in a later stage, for example for an adjustment post construction, a plant revamping or expansion, maintenance or efficient dismantling (if required as per principles of circular economy).

Match is just the final step of long training rich in play patterns.


  • Our work is based on a proven strategy, which allow us to improve performance of plants and industrial machinery granting supervision on the project all its cycle life long.

  • We minimize the possible presence of errors. We increase the quality of MEP projects (mechanical, electrical and hydraulics) and follow our customer from the planning to the delivery of the work interacting with all professional figures.

  • We are a specialized team and we know exactly how to fulfil all customer’s needs.

  • Operative management mustn’t be a leap in the dark: we supply all the information you need to have your plant working.

  • Response agility, short delivery terms. We understand that each delay is a loss for our customer and that is the reason why timelines is one of our strengths.

Nowadays everyone wants to get there first: choose the one who gives you the right equipment to run faster.


  • Our work is based on a proven strategy, which allow us to improve performance of plants and industrial machinery granting supervision on the project all its cycle life long.

  • We minimize the possible presence of errors. We increase the quality of MEP projects (mechanical, electrical and hydraulics) and follow our customer from the planning to the delivery of the work interacting with all professional figures.

  • We are a specialized team and we know exactly how to fulfil all customer’s needs.

  • Operative management mustn’t be a leap in the dark: we supply all the information you need to have your plant working.

  • Response agility, short delivery terms. We understand that each delay is a loss for our customer and that is the reason why timelines is one of our strengths.

Nowadays everyone wants to get there first: choose the one who gives you the right equipment to run faster.

If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to contact us

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